Sunday, February 11, 2007

Plains museum

We started to going back to TX. California was fun but it was time to go back home. We found another cool car:

Things started to be more dangerous.

But no worries we were close to Mexico so nothing could happen to us.

After a while of traveling we made a small discovery, details here.

...and this is the junk yard :)

It is also visible in Google maps in satellite mode.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Red car facts

The right window broke. It was falling down.
We fixed it after a while, but still the car wasn't worth its price.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Zoo

New pictures from San Diego ZOO. The old once are here.

At the beginning we asked local people how to get there. THANK YOU.

We got to the zoo. Animals were aware.

Ready to go, arm your smile and camera.

We are so cute that we decided to take picture of ourselves.

Then bears. Shiny :)

Next: cute animals.

The famous one. The biggest one.

But let's have a look at a cute ass.


First thing pee.
Then use the bridge.

This is what we found after crossing the bridge.
Some wall paintings. Looks nice, doesn't it?.

San Francisco people are too busy to agree with us, they are just too busy.
Maybe they miss the special place for special people. Now it is just a museum so they might be bored of it, culture everywhere, nothing exciting if you live in a museum.

Good old San Francisco:
We are bad tourists. We didn't even spend a penny in this city. Actually we did. A few dollars to buy some food.

Normal people use Highway 5 to go from San Francisco to Los Angeles, but we were still looking for more adventure. Mr. B. Made a choice. Mr. M. Took cute picture of the red car driving 60 mph behind a truck.
Do not do this at home.

Mountain View - goggles HQ, of course we didn't miss it.

LA, hell on the Earth. Fire was destroying forests for over 2 weeks.

LA like LA, if you are not original you are not on the top.

Good for us that the overlook was for free.
It took us 2 min to read the rules, we bet there was a police in the bushes waiting for poor tourists to give a ticket.

Free overlook free picture for masses.

And beautiful Californian sunset.

American fancy cars.

When we left Las Vegas and started heading to San Francisco, we noticed something really cool. Check this out. Another prove that people in the US love junk, but looks cool.


And then we discovered this:

Paradise in the middle of nowhere.

LAS VEGAS, as it was mentioned before, nothing really special.
Same junk everywhere.

We checked it,...

and yes everything is plastic.

We couldn't believe so we checked it one more time,...

and once again, FAKE.

But they have huge forks there.

Mr Hoover's piece of art.

Nice place. Cool lights. But remember they will check your care before you even get close to the dam. Everything is secure and prepared for something. So better be white or black. If you have mustache and a rag on your head, better choose other way to get to Las Vegas.

We look weird but not weird enough to be checked.

The Big Hole

Hole like hole. Nothing special. It is big, that is true. They have expensive tickets, that is true and it is cold there.